Kevin Kelly and Nigel McGuinness welcome us to this week’s edition of Collision as we go LIVE inside the Brandt Centre in Regina, Saskatchewan Canada as there is no pyro. CM Punk walks out to no music to a big ovation tonight. He walks around ringside and asks for a mic. He is given mic as he is at ringside.
He asks the fans if it is great to be alive in Regina on a Saturday night. He says he has a match with Samoa Joe and its not just about Joe, but it’s about everybody in Hart country. He says this is the biggest match of his career. He says if Joe kills him in a dream, he better wake up and apologize. He says it’s not the end of the tournament otherwise he would he looking past the other competitors. He says it has been 18 years since he has been in the ring with Joe. He says he has lost teeth because of Joe. He asks the fans to chant Owen Hart’s name. The fans begin to chant his name. Punk says that if it wasn’t for Owen Hart, there would be no CM Punk and no one would be here if it was not for Owen Hart. Punk says that he is a hockey guy and this is a hockey town. He touches the trophy at ringside as says its not because he deserves it, but that he will earn it. A CM Punk chant starts. He says that he cannot promise a victory because he promises that win, lose or draw he will pour his heart out and leave everything in the ring for the fans and for Owen. An Owen chant begins again. Punk mingles with the fans at ringside as we go to a video package with the history of CM Punk and Samoa Joe that includes old ROH footage.
Starks and Hobbs will be the first match tonight with a 20-minute time limit. Hobbs is out first and has QT Marshall with him. As Hobbs is in the ring, we go to a commercial break.
We are back from the break and Starks is introduced and out next to a big ovation.
MATCH #1: Semi-Finals Match in the Men’s Owen Hart Foundation Tournament:
“Absolute” Ricky Starks vs. Powerhouse Hobbs
The bell rings and the match starts. The fans begin a Ricky chant. Hobbs pushes down Ricky who tries to pick us Hobbs. Hobbs hits Ricky with elbow shots to the back. A let’s Ricky chant starts. Ricky then sends Hobbs over the top and onto the floor. QT consults with Hobbs. Ricky comes back in the ring and gets hit by a clothesline. Hobbs continues to work on Ricky. He distracts the ref as QT chokes Ricky. Hobbs has Ricky in the corner and unloads elbows on him and he drops to the corner. Harley Cameron and Aaron Solo are also at ringside. Hobbs nails Ricky in the nose as he drops to the mat. Starks tries to get back to his feet as Hobbs picks up Ricky and drops him with a huge suplex. Hobbs picks up Ricky and tosses hard against the turnbuckle as we go to picture in picture.
Picture-In-Picture: QT chokes Ricky as Hobbs distracts the ref. Ricky rolls back the center of the ring and Hobbs picks him up and slams him down. Hobbs uses the middle rope to choke Ricky as the ref starts the five count. Ricky tries to fight back with kicks to the mid-section of Hobbs, but it’s not enough as Hobbs picks him up and drops him throat first on the top rope. Hobbs then covers Ricky, who kicks out at two! Hobbs picks up Ricky and has him in a submission hold as the ref checks on him.
Back from picture-in-picture, Ricky is screaming in pain and starts to fade as the fans begins a let’s go Ricky chant. Ricky attempts to get out of the hold with elbows to the face of Hobbs. As Hobbs attempts punches, Ricky counters, but Hobbs is still too much for him. Ricky then comes back and drops Hobbs to his feet. Ricky is pushed to the corner by Hobbs. Ricky drives big clotheslines into Ricky in the corner. Hobbs picks up Ricky and climbs to the second rope, but Ricky counters and grabs Hobbs and slams him down hard! Ricky covers Hobbs, but he kicks out at two! Ricky is on the apron and tries for a spring board but misses and connects with a kick instead. Ricky is fired up! Ricky gets tripped by QT. As the ref is distracted by AT, Hobbs hits Ricky with a spinebuster and covers Ricky, but the ref is still distracted. Hobbs is hot as QT for the distracted. Ricky pushes Hobbs into QT who falls off the apron. Hobbs turns around after jawing with QT and is met by Ricky with a spear and gets pinned!
Winner: “Absolute” Ricky Starks
After the match: QT is in the ring trying to explain what happened. Hobbs is clearly frustrated. Hobbs then turns around and shoves QT down as QT continues to say he sorry. QT is down trying to plead his case. Aaron Solo comes in and then Hobbs picks him up and slams him down! Hobbs then walks towards QT as Harley comes in between Hobbs and QT. Hobbs then leaves the ring as QT looks relieved.
We go to a video package with Miro who talks about being ready to fight anyone in ways they can’t hurt him. He says he can’t be tempted from his past like a shiny belt. He says he can’t be who he was from his past and that he is Miro.
BACKSTAGE: Tony Schiavone is with Willow Nightingale who is injured. Athena walks in and says Willow has ruined her debut on Collision. Athena says she was injured coming to Regina. Willow says she is going to put her smile back on win the tournament and then maybe take a stab at the ROH Women’s World Championship. Athena said if she is beaten by Willow, she might entertain a Championship match.
The commentary team take us to a video package for July 19, taking a look at Blood & Guts which will take place at TD Garden in Boston. The match will be BCC vs. The Elite.
Julia Hart of House of Black is out next for a match with a 20-minute limit. Kevin Kelly noted that Hart has had 24 wins in a row.
MATCH #2: Women’s One-On-One Match:
Julia Hart vs. Bambi Hall
The bell rings as Hart stares at Bambi Hall. She is local gal. Both women tie up. Bambi charges at Hart who moves out of the way. Hart trips up Bambi and then jaws at her. Hart kicks Bambi and then picks her up and slams her down. Hart puts Bambi in the heartless as Bambi submits.
Winner: Julia Hart
We go to a vignette with Malakai Black saying that Andrade was not who he was until he took off the mask. Black told Andrade that he has been led to believe for years that the mask gives you strength, but Black says that it’s when the mask comes off, he is stronger. Black then says he wants to the show the world how great Andrade is.
BACKSTAGE: Lexy Nair is with Andrade. He says he is a businessman and asks Malakai if he hides behind his mask and says he is not coward. He says the mask is about his country, about all Latino people. Andrade says that when he has his mask is about business and then when he takes it’s off, it’s time to fight and time to win.
Bullet Club Gold is introduced first. Dasha announces this match has a 30-minute time limit. FTR’s music hits to a big ovation.
MATCH #3: AEW World Tag Team Championship Eliminator Match:
“Switchblade” Jay White and “Rock Hard” Juice Robinson vs. Dax Harwood and Cash Wheeler
If White and Robinson win, they get a future AEW World Tag Team Championship opportunity.
Both teams are ready as the fans begin to chant FTR! The bell rings and we are underway! Jay tells Dax he is going to beat him tonight. Both men tie up as Dax sends Jay to the corner. The hold is broken up as the fans chant FTR! Both men lock it up again. Dax takes down Jay with a single leg and covers him for only a one count. Jay and Dax trade lockups. Dax takes down Jay with a headlock. Jay fights back, but Dax takes him down with a hip toss. Dax puts Jay in a headlock again. Jay gets his foot on the bottom rope as the ref calls for the hold to be broken. Juice is tagged in. Dax tags in Cash. Juice circles the ring to get away from Cash. Both men lock it up as Cash pulls the hair of Juice. Cash picks up Juice and flips him over. Juice takes down Cash with a series of tackles. Juice is caught by a monkey flip, not once, but twice as Juice rolls to the outside. Juice is back up and tags in Jay. Both men lock up as Jay hits Cash with a series of elbows. Cash goes to the outside and then is back in. All four men begin a big brawl of fits and fire as Kevin Kelly called it. FTR does a series of German suplexes on Jay and Juice as they roll to the outside.
Picture-In-Picture: The action says on the outside. Cash goes back in the ring as Jay follows. Cash picks up Jay as Cash tags in Dax who hits Jay with a running drop kick. Dax has Jay in the corner and is chopping him. Jay rolls down on the mat as Dax tags in Cash. We now go to a full commercial break….
Back from the break, Jay tags in Juice who unloads fits on Dax who is down on the mat. Dax gets him and is tossed hard into the turnbuckle by Juice to loud boos! Juice covers Dax to only a one and half count. Dax and Juice exchange chops. Cash then is tagged in as FTR double teams Juice. Cash covers Juice to only a two count! The fans starts a loud FTR chant! Cash drop kicks Juice and covers him for only a two count! Juice then has Cash in the corner and bites him in the face. Juice then is on the second rope and as Cash counters with a series of fists as the crowd counts. Cash then hits Juice with an uppercut forearm! The action goes to the outside as Jay suplexes Cash on the floor as the ref was distracted by Juice. Cash rolls back in the ring and Juice lays into Cash with shoulder blocks to the mid-section. Jay is tagged in and nails Cash with shoulder blocks and then chops Cash. Jay then delivers a back breaker on Cash. Juice is tagged in and has Cash down. Juice then tags in Jay and has him down on the mat in a submission hold. Cash gets up, but Jay sends him down and puts him in leg hold and spits at Dax, who breaks it up as Nigel calls for a DQ. Dax is then taken out by Jay. Jay sends Cash to the corner as Jay and Juice work on him. As the refs back is turned, is Cash covers Jay, but he kicks out after the ref turns around. It would have been a three count. Jay drops Cash down to the mat. Quick tags between Jay and Juice or quick offense. Jay is tagged back in and he picks up Cash and slams him down. Cash tries to tag in but Juice prevents the tag as Dax is sent down as goes flying into the barricade as it becomes two on one. Jay elevates Cash to the floor as we go to picture-in-picture again.
Picture-in-Picture: Jay is in the ring by himself. Cash is back in and is met with stomps. Juice is back on the apron and is tagged in. Juice comes off the top rope and drops on Cash. Juice works on Cash and stomps on his mid-section. Juice puts Cash in a submission hold as Dax is back up on the apron. Cash is back to his feet, but is taken down again by Juice, who covers him for only a two count! Juice grabs Cash and then nails him with a fist to head. Juice picks up Cash, who counters with slamming down Juice!
Back from PIP, Juice tags in Jay as Cash tags in Dax! Dax sends Jay and Juice to the outside! Jay comes back in and Dax rolls him up for only a two! Dax picks up Jay and drops him with a series of German suplexes in the center of the ring! Dax then picks up Jay and drops him for a brain buster and covers him for only a two count as the fans begin to chant this is awesome! Jay is on the top rope as Dax climbs to the top with Dax laying into Jay. Juice then climbs to the top but is sent down. Cash and Juice exchange chops on the apron as both men drop to the floor! Jay is the top rope, as Dax climbs to the top. Cash is up on the top rope as FTR suplexes Jay and Cash hits him with a frog splash. Dax covers Jay and kicks out at two as the fans are in disbelief! Dax comes in to make the save as Cash was hit with a blade runner. Cash is tagged in as Dax is legal. Dax and Cash drop Jay down on his head – Dax cover him – 1-2-NO! Juice makes the save! The fans break out in a this is awesome chant! Jay is legal and Juice is legal. Jay is now tagged in as Jay drops Dax and covers him for only a two! Both Juice and Jay are in the ring and double team Dax as Cash comes in with the save. Jay picks up Dax, but he escapes it and powebombs Jay – Dax covers Jay – 1-2-NO! Dax then drops Jay who appears to be out and covers him for only another two count! Juice comes in and takes out Dax. Jay then hits Cash with a blade runner. Jay and Dax are to their feet as they exchange big blows – chops and forearms! Jay then takes down Dax with a kick to the knee. Dax picks up Jay as Juice was tagged in. Dax rolls up Jay as he doesn’t realize the legal man is Juice. Juice rolls takes down Dax and rolls him up. Cash tries to come in but can’t make it in time as Juice pins Dax.
Winners: “Switchblade” Jay White and “Rock Hard” Juice Robinson
We go to a video package with Christian Cage and Luchasaurus and Shawn Spears. Luchasuarus will defend the TNT Championship against Spears at Battle of the Belts.
BACKSTAGE: Tony Schiavone is trying to interview FTR. Bullet Club come in and tell FTR they should be called the best tag team. Bullet Club Gold challenge FTR for two out of three falls for next week. Both teams shake hands to make it official.
MATCH #3: One-On-One Match:
Scorpio Sky vs. Action Andretti
Scorpio Sky is introduced as he comes out to the ring. Action Andretti is already in the ring as the bell rings. Both men are locked up. Sky takes down Action. Action is tripped up by Sky. Action is back up and drops Sky who counters with a roll up for only a two count as Action kicks out. Action grabs Sky, but Sky counters as we go to picture-in-picture.
Picture-In-Picture: Sky has Action is a headlock. Action counters and gets Sky to the corner as he goes down. Sky counters and knocks down Action. Sky has Action in the center of the ring. Sky picks up Action for a big back breaker. We now go to a full commercial break.
Back from break, Sky is still in control. Action then comes back with a series of knee strikes to Sky and drops him down. Action nails Sky with an elbow as Sky is sent to the outside. Action then nails Sky on the outside as he goes through the ropes. Action drops Sky with a Spanish Fly and covers Sky for only a two count! Sky kicks Action who comes back with kicks of his own. Action goes to the top rope and comes down and is met with knees. Action though attempts to pin Sky who kicks out and then drops Action with a TKO for the three count.
Winner: Scorpio Sky
After the match: Sky extends his hand to Action and picks him up and then leaves the ring.
The commentary team run down the card for Wednesday’s Dynamite. They then run down the card for next week’s Collision. We go to backstage shots of Samoa Joe and CM Punk.
MAIN EVENT: Semi-Finals Match in the Men’s Owen Hart Foundation Tournament:
Men’s Owen Hart Foundation Semifinals Tournament Match:
Samoa Joe vs. CM Punk
Back from the break, ROH World TV Champion Samoa Joe is introduced first. Dasha’s mic echoed on the intro. He is out to a fairly good ovation. The fans begin a Joe chant. CM Punk’s music hits! Punk comes out and the crowd isn’t as hot as they were for him when he came out at the beginning of the show.
Both men from a distance have a series look on their faces. A CM Punk chant begins as he and Joe look intense.
The bell rings and here we go! Both men are staring at each other from a distance. Punk smiles. Both men try to lock up as Joe kicks at Punk as he ducks. Both men lock up as Joe sends Punk to the corner. Punk chops Joe and backs off. Punks grabs Joe’s left arm and works on it, but Joe is able to get out of it. Both men lock up hand for the test of strength. Joe powers Punk down to his knees. Punk kicks at Joe and chops him. Joe bullies Punk into the corner as Punk puts Joe in a headlock as Joe drops to one knee. Punk has Joe’s left arm and chops him hard! Joe is down to one knee as Punk has him in a headlock. Joe gets Punk to the corner and Punk turns around and chops Joe. Punk goes to the top rope and flies down, but Joe moves as Punk hits the mat hard. Joe then chops Punk in the back and then the chest! As Punk is up, Joe kicks him in the chest. Joe goes down! Punk goes to the corner and is up but is met by a series of fists to the face by Joe. Punk is down in the corner as Joe picks him up. Punk fights back with chops to the chest, but it’s not enough as he sends Punk down to the mat. Joe mocks the fans as they begin the CM Punk chants. Punks is up on the top rope as Joe chops him off the top rope. Punk hits the apron, then the floor! We go to a picture-in-picture break.
Picture-In-Picture: Joe goes to the outside and works on Punk. Joe puts Punk in a chair and then hits him with a running knee. Joe goes back in the ring to break the ten count and then rolls back to the outside. He grabs Punk and sends him into the barricade. Punk comes back and chops Joe. Punk goes to the apron and hits Joe with a flying clothesline on the outside. Punk then picks up Joe and sends him back into the ring.
Back from PIP – Joe counters with offense, taking down Punk. Joe grabs Punk and is bending his neck as the fans clap to get Punk some momentum. Joe goes for a knee drop, but Punk moves as both men exchange blows. Punks comes back and hits Joe with a running knee! Punk has Joe in the corner, but Joe counters with a headlock as Punk counters by picking up Joe and drops Joe on back of his head! Both men are down on their knees exchanging blows! Joe and Punk are up on their feet – Joe is hits with two knee strikes by Punk. Punk then hits a third! He pulls Joe down to the center of the ring on his back. Punk goes to the top rope and drops Joe with a huge elbow drop and covers him for only a two count! Punk calls for the GTS and picks up Joe, but Joe drops him and puts Punk in the crossface! The fans begin to chant CM Punk as Punk is able to get to the bottom rope to break the hold. Hoe picks up Punk and kicks him in the chest. Joe step powerslams Punk and covers him for only a two count! Punk is up and kicks Joe in the head as he goes down! Punk covers Joe – 1-2-NO! Joe kicks out! Punk goes to the top rope, but Joe gets up and his trying for a muscle buster, but Punk counters it with a neck breaker! Joe has Punk is a neck hold, but Punk counters and rolls him up for the pin and the win!
Winner: CM Punk
After the match: Joe looks absolutely shocked! Joe gets up and is still in disbelief. Punk can’t believe it either! Joe is in the corner as Punk is down. The referee tells Punk he won and is going to the finals.
Punk is up and Joe still can’t believe it as Punk’s music stops. Joe is looking at Punk as the Punk chants start. Both men are looking at each other. An “Owen Hart” chant starts. Joe extends his hand to Punk, who looks hesitant. Joe shakes Punks hand and then drops down and puts Punks in the Coquina Clutch and then goes to the outside to grab a chair as FTR comes in to make the save. Ricky Starks then walks out to a Ricky chant. Punk helped up to his feet by FTR. Ricky walks off, who will face Punk next week. Punks then goes back down to his feet. Next week its Ricky Starks vs. CM Punk in the Finals of the Men’s Owen Hart Foundation Tournament. As FTR try to help Punk to his feet, Collision goes off the air.