AEW Pro Wrestling Results

AEW Dynamite: Fight for the Fallen results from July 27th 2022

It’s Wednesday night and you know what that means!

Jim Ross, Excalibur and “The Human Suplex Machine” Taz aew the broadcast team for tonight’s event.

We are starting with the Interim World Championship! Rush makes his entrance, accompanied by Jose the assistant. Out next, the AEW Interim World Champion, Jon Moxley makes his way out through the crowd and William Regal joins commentary.

MATCH #1: AEW Interim World Championship Match:
Jon Moxley © vs. Rush
Rush attacks Moxley before the bell, taking out Moxley as he gets into the ring. Rush throws Moxley into the barricade. Back in the ring, Rush with stomps in the corner, splash, low dropkick, then bites at Moxley. Rush throws Moxley into a chair, busting Moxley open. Rush licks Moxley’s blood from his hands then throws Moxley into the barricade.

Rush misses a chair shot as Moxley gets out of the way, Moxley hits a Tope Suicida. Moxley with chops, suplex on the outside. Moxley with headbutts then throws Rush into the steel steps. Back in the ring, Moxley with right hands, boots in the corner, chops, Rush chops back. Rush with a superkick then a powerslam, cover, 2 count. Rush chokes Moxley with wires at ringside.

Moxley with a back rake, then a Superplex. Forearms back and forth, chops back and forth, Rush with a German, Moxley hits a German back. Rush with a discus elbow, Moxley hits a King Kong Lariat. Rush with a German. Rush covers, 2 count, Rush transitions into a Crossface. Moxley rolls out and hits the stomps.

Rush with hard strikes then a belly to belly into the turnbuckles. Rush with a palm strike, Moxley bites Rush, Rush falls to the mat. Jose distracts the ref, Andrade knocks Moxley off the top rope. The Lucha Bros runs down to chase off Andrade. Rush covers Moxley, 2 count.

Moxley with a lariat, Rush with a high knee then a Straight Jacket Piledriver, cover, 2 count. Rush with boots in the corner but misses a running dropkick. Moxley with a choke, Rush hits a headbutt. Moxley hits the Death Rider, cover, 2 count. Moxley gets the Bulldog Choke and Rush submits!

Winner: Jon Moxley

After the match: Chis Jericho’s music hits and out walks Jericho and the JAS. Parker says shut off the music, this town doesn’t get to sing Judas. Jericho says what an amazing match, you are on a roll, but it’s nothing compared to the roll the JAS are on. Garcia will beat Danielson. Sammy with annihilate Dante Martin. Anna Jay says she took an opportunity; she is a new Anna Jay, Anna JAS. She’s the sexist and the toughest; she will choke all of you out.

Jericho says that’s the kind of intensity he had last week when he beat Kingston. And he will beat Moxley. After 2 and a half years, he demands a rematch for the AEW World Championship. When he wins, he will be the first ever 2 time Le Champion. Moxley says he hates Jericho; he hates this sports entertainment bullshit. He is a 2-time World Champion, he used to look up to Jericho. In his own way he may be the GOAT, but this is pathetic. This is the AEW World Championship, THE Championship. Leave the trash at home, all the people who carry his bags, he doesn’t want the wizard or Le Champion, he wants the guy he used to see in VHS tapes, the guy from the Super J Cup, he wants the Lionheart. Jon Moxley vs. the last survivor of the Hart Dungeon.

Excalibur, Taz and JR introduce brand new AEW World Trios Tag Team Championships and announce a tournament to crown the first champions.

BACKSTAGE: Tony Schiavone is with Dante Martin. Martin says he knows Taya will be a ringside because Sammy can’t do it on his own. He will have somebody in his corner… Skye Blue!

Danhausen makes his entrance. An over-the-top video package introduces the FTW Champion, Ricky Starks.

MATCH #2: FTW Championship Match:
Ricky Starks © vs. Danhausen
Danhausen mocks Starks’ pose, Starks hits a boot. Starks hits his own pose, Danhausen hits a pump kick, a Northern Lights Suplex, cover, 2 count. Starks with an enziguri, Danhausen throws him to the corner, gets a roll, up, 2 count. Starks hits a Spear, cover, 1, 2, 3!

Winner: Ricky Starks

After the match: Starks gets a mic, says Danhausen isn’t Absolute. He still has a little left in the tank, let’s introduce another challenger. For real this time. HOOK’s music hits! Hooks strolls out and circles the ring.

MATCH #3: FTW Championship Match:
Ricky Starks © vs. HOOK
HOOK goes face to face with Starks. HOOK with body shots, headbutt in the corner. HOOK with a pump handle suplex. Starks with right hands, then a backdrop suplex. HOOK flips out of a hip toss, Starks with a Spear. HOOK escapes Roshambo and gets the Redrum! Starks taps out!

Winner and NEW FTW Champion: HOOK

After the match: Starks shows respect to HOOK, and they fist bump as HOOK leaves with the FTW Championship.

Recap of HOOK’s victory. Tony Schiavone is with Starks and Hobbs in the ring. Starks says he lost, and he is ok with it. He wants everybody to know he made the most of the Championship; he brought the Championship back to prominence. He gave 100% and he deserves it. He doesn’t want to wait; his time was last month, and his time is right now.

Hobbs attacks Starks from behind with a huge lariat! Hobbs hits a huge Spinebuster.

BACKSTAGE: The Acclaimed say they won the rap battle last week, this week they will roast them again. They will need to watch their music video to see their next match on Friday. Friday is trash day and that’s a mic drop.

Sammy Guevara makes his entrance with Tay Conti. They make out on the stage. Dante Martin is out next, accompanied by Skye Blue.

MATCH #4: One-On-One Match:
Sammy Guevara vs. Dante Martin
Lock up, Guevara with a shoulder block, Martin with a headlock, Guevara hits a dropkick then shows off. Guevara with chops, Martin hits a dropkick, the mocks Guevara. Martin thrown out of the ring, Martin with a dropkick through the ropes, stalemate. Guevara tries to leave up the ramp, Martin attacks him on the stage. Martin throws Guevara off the stage then hits a huge senton off the stage.

Martin throws Guevara out of the ring. Martin dives to the outside and Guevara hits a knee strike. Guevara hits a senton to the outside. Guevara hits a Spanish Fly, cover, 2 count. Martin with a backslide, 2 count. Martin with a flipping backdrop, cover, 2 count. Guevara counters a double jump moonsault, Martin tweaks his ankle, Martin hits a Spanish Fly, cover, 2 count.

Martin with a sidewalk slam, cover, 2 count. Conti shouts at Martin, Sammy hits a springboard cutter, then hits the GTH, cover, 1, 2, 3!

Winner: Sammy Guevara

After the match: Guevara kisses Conti and continues the attack after the bell. Guevara goes to the top, Skye Blues stands in the way, Conti pushes her, the go face to face and Anna Jay runs down and Conti and Jay attacks Blue. Kingston, Ruby Soho and Ortiz run down to chase off Guevara and TayJay.

BACKSTAGE: Daniel Garcia is with Tony Schiavone. Garcia asks where Danielson has been? Garcia has been here getting sharper. Garcia will take advantage of Danielson tonight and they will call him the greatest technical wrestler in the world.

BACKSTAGE: Sonjay Dutt and Jay Lethal say they have unfinished business with Best Friends. Best Friends walks in, they say their dance card is empty on Friday. They imply Dutt can’t wrestle anymore, Dutt gets angry and accepts their challenge, on Rampage, it will be Trios Match!

Tony Schiavone is in the ring, and he introduces Jungle Boy. Jungle Boy walks out and Luchasaurus comes out with him. Jungle Boy looks conflicted and says Christian is the biggest pussy he has ever met in his life! He says he has watched Christian talk bullshit about his family and now he is the most relevant he has ever been in his career. Cage ran from him. He knows Christian was strapped for cash as his wife has divorced his ass. Jungle Boy says Christian has a small prick, and he needed somebody to protect him, but Cage’s monster is Jungle Boy’s best friend.

Christian made it clear his only goal was to hurt him, but he can take it. He can take the attacks. 3 years ago, he was burying his father’s grave. Christian interrupts… Christian say he could have guided Luchasaurus but he threw it all away to be Jungle Boy’s lap dog. He didn’t run because he was scared, he ran because he was afraid of what he would do. Christian says Jungle Boy might have a monster, but Christian knows all his secrets and now he will prey on his weakness.

BACKSTAGE: Brandon Cutler tells the The Young Bucks about the Trios World Tag Team Championships, The Bucks say they will not team with Cutler, then they walk into Hangman Page. Page is drunk, they wish him a Happy Birthday. The Dark Order walks in and take Page away to celebrate.

Tony Nese makes his entrance with Mark Sterling. Swerve Strickland is out next; Keith Lee is banned from ringside.

MATCH #5: Two-On-One Handicap Match:
Tony Nese and “Smart” Mark Sterling vs. Swerve Strickland
Nese starts the match, attacks Swerve with Sterling distracts him. Swerve with a hurricanrana, backbreaker, clothesline. Swerve with right hands to the outside. Nese with a throat strikes, Swerve drops Nese on the ropes. Sterling grabs Swerve’s hair and Nese takes advantage.

Nese with a body scissor, elbow in the corner, Swerve with a pump kick, Sterling accidentally tags in. Swerve with a right hand to Nese. Elbow in the corner, diving uppercut, thrust kick then a diving to the outside. Swerve chases Sterling, he catches him in the ring, then hits a huge Superkick, cover, 1, 2, 3!

Winner: Swerve Strickland

After the match: Keith Lee is seen beaten down backstage with Josh Woods standing over him. Swerve sees it on the screen then Nese attacks him from behind with the AEW World Tag Team Championship belt.

The House of Black video package, Malakai Black calls out Miro. Recap of them attacking Darby at Comic Con, King challenges Darby to a Coffin Match.

Miyu Yamashita makes her entrance. Out next is the AEW Women’s World Champion, Thunder Rosa.

MATCH #6: AEW Women’s World Championship Match:
Thunder Rosa © vs. Miyu Yamashita
Lock up, Yamashita wrings the arm, Rosa with a snapmare, Yamashita counters, Rosa with a headlock takeover, Yamashita covers, 2 count. Rosa with an armdrag, cover, 2 count. Trading covers, standoff. Rosa with a kick, Yamashita blocks a strike, then drops Rosa on the ropes. Rosa with knees on the apron, Yamashita blocks a suplex, then sweeps the leg, dropping Rosa to the outside.

Rosa dodges a flying knee then hits a running dropkick. Rosa with chops against the barricade, Yamashita hits a springboard enziguri off the apron.

Rosa with a flying clothesline in the corner, knees, then a dropkick in the ropes. Rosa with another dropkick, then a Northern Lights Suplex, cover, 2 count. Yamashita with a high kick in the corner, Rosa with a forearm, strikes back and forth, Rosa with a thrust kick, Yamashita with a German, cover, 2 count.

Rosa ducks under a roundhouse kick, Yamashita hits an enziguri, then hits the Skull Kick, cover, 2 count. Yamashita counters a slam, cover, 2 count. Yamashita with kicks, Rosa with a high knee, a roundhouse, then hits the Fire Thunder Driver, cover, 1, 2, 3!

Winner: Thunder Rosa

After the match: Rosa and Yamashita bow to each other and shake hands.

Daniel Garcia makes his entrance and Chris Jericho joins commentary. Bryan Danielson makes his entrance next. Danielson hits a running boot before the bell!

MAIN EVENT: One-On-One Match:
Daniel Garcia vs. Bryan Danielson
Danielson with kicks in the corner, then the same in the other corner, then another running boot. Danielson throws Garcia out of the ring then hits a suicide dive. “Welcome Back” chants for Danielson, Danielson throws Garcia into the ring post. Garcia with elbow strikes in the ropes, the chops, Danielson hits hammering elbows.

Garcia with uppercuts, elbows to the back of the head, neckbreaker, cover, 2 count. Garcia throws Danielson out of the ring. Danielson thrown into the barricade; Garcia rips off the padding on the outside. Danielson hits a running elbow, kicks against the barricade. Danielson celebrates in the crowd.

Back in the ring, Danielson with a missile dropkick. Danielson looks to have knocked himself out, Garcia with elbows on the mat. Garcia with chops in the corner, Danielson collapses after running the ropes. Danielson rolls to the outside. Garcia throws him into the steel steps, then hits a DDT on the concrete.

Danielson with a forearm, Garcia with a dropkick into stomps. Garcia with chops in the corner, Garcia rips at the open wound. Garcia with stomps in the corner, Garcia bites at Danielson’s forehead. Danielson slips out, shots to the spine, then a huge back suplex off the top rope. Garcia with a chop, Danielson asks for more. Danielson with strikes, Yes kicks, Garcia transitions into a sleeper. Danielson gets to his feet, rolls through into a Cattle Mutilation. Danielson with a Tiger Suplex, cover, 2 count.

Garcia with Hammer and Anvil elbows, Danielson stands out of them. Danielson hits his own elbows, then hits a Shoulder Capture Suplex, cover, 2 count. Garcia with a lariat, then a Brainbuster, cover, 2 count. Danielson gets a cover, 2 count. Garcia with a slap, Danielson slaps back, rolling elbow, then the Busaiku Knee! Danielson goes for a LeBell Lock, but Garcia escapes the ring.

Danielson hits a diving knee off the apron. As they get back in the ring, somebody grabs Danielson’s leg, Garcia hits a Piledriver, then locks in a Sharpshooter! Garcia leans back and Danielson passes out!

Winner: Daniel Garcia

After the match: Jake Hager reveals himself to be the one who grabbed Danielson’s leg. Jericho and Hager celebrate with Garcia as Dynamite comes to an end.

By Eric Montgomery

Eric has been a fan of professional wrestling since he was 5 and has had the pleasure of working in the wrestling business as a DJ, among other things, for 20-years. Eric is our "wrestling expert" and looks forward to showing his passion of professional wrestling.

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