The Buy-In kicks off with shots inside and outside of the United Center. Kevin Kelly, Excalibur and “The Human Suplex Machine” Taz are on commentary. They run down the card.
Buy-In Match #1: Tag Team Match:
QT Marshall and Aaron Solo vs. Hirooki Goto and YOSHI-HASHI
YOSHI-HASHI starts off against Aaron Solow. Solow tries a number of underhanded tactics, but YOSHI-HASHI stays strong. Solow comes back with a huge dropkick, but his dominance is short-lived as YOSHI-HASHI comes back. Goto tags in. Marshall tags in.
Goto dominates Marshall with strikes. Marshall tries to outsmart Goto but isn’t that smart and ends up on his ass. Solow tags in and The Factory double team Goto. Goto fights back almost immediately. The Factory sends CHAOS to the outside. Marshall hits a Cartwheel Plancha to the outside. Solow gets a near-fall on Goto. They corner Goto. Marshall tags in and gets a near-fall off more tandem offense. Solow tags in.
Goto fires up and suplexes Solow. Marshall tags in and stops Goto from tagging out. Goto makes him pay with a lariat. YOSHI-HASHI tags in and lights up Marshall with a lariat in the corner. YOSHI-HASHI unleashes a flurry of strikes and then hits a back body drop. YOSHI-HASHI hits a diving Headhunter for a near-fall. Solow sends YOSHI-HASHI to the outside and takes out CHAOS with a plancha. YOSHI-HASHI counters a Diamond Cutter but Marshall recovers and hits the move, but Goto breaks up the pin. Solow tags in and misses a 450 Splash. Goto tags in.
Solow fights out of Ushiguroshi. Solow gets double teamed by Goto and YOSHI-HASHI. Goto hits Marshall with a Ushiguroshi. Goto and YOSHI-HASHI hit Shoto on Solow for the win for his team.
Winners: Hirooki Goto and YOSHI-HASHI
After the match: A video package hypes up the IWGP World Heavyweight Championship Fatal Four-Way Match.
Buy-In Match #2: One-On-One Match:
“The Murderhawk Monster” Lance Archer vs. Nick Comoroto
Archer attacks Comoroto with a Spear to start the match. Comoroto fights out of the corner but eats an elbow from Archer. Comoroto gets Archer up for a Military Press but Archer fights out. They fight to the apron and Comoroto sends Archer out of the ring with a big tackle. Archer crashes into the railing head first.
Comoroto pummels Archer at ringside and throws him back in the ring, where he maintains dominance. Comoroto yells at Archer as he continues the assault with a high impact side slam. Archer absorbs blows from Comoroto, gaining strength from the pain. Comoroto continues the blows and Archer falls to his knees. Archer comes back with a huge Uranage.
They trade punches. They continue trading punches. Comoroto throws Archer into the corner but gets leveled by a series of lariats. Archer walks the top rope and hits a Moonsault body press for a near-fall. Archer puts Comoroto on the top rope but Comoroto fights out. Comoroto hits a huge powerslam for a near-fall.
Comoroto climbs the top rope but eats a knee to the face. Archer hits Blackout for the win
Winner: “The Murderhawk Monster” Lance Archer
After the match: A video package hypes up Will Ospreay vs. Orange Cassidy.
BACKSTAGE: Alex Marvez interviews Clark Connors about tonight’s All-Atlantic Championship match. Connors wishes Ishii a speedy recovery and promises to prove to everyone why he’s the “Wild Rhino” and promises to tear the Forbidden Door off its hinges.
Buy-In Match #3: Tag Team Match:
Keith Lee and Swerve Strickland vs. El Desperado and Yoshinobu Kanemaru
Kanemaru starts off against Keith Lee. Lee conducts the crowd as they serenade him. The two men bump chests. Lee asks for a test of strength, and Kanemaru climbs to the middle rope to accept. Kanemaru outsmarts Lee and kicks away at the larger athlete. Kanemaru dodges some strikes but gets shoved to the mat. Swerve tags in. Desperado tags in.
They trade shoulder tackles. Desperado counters a series of leapfrogs and drop downs with Numero Dos. Swerve immediately fights to the ropes. Swerve sends Desperado to the outside. Desperado counters the running apron kick and smashes Swerve into the apron. Desperado locks in a vicious Numero Dos on the outside. Desperado rolls Swerve back in the ring.
Swerve hits a Shotgun Dropkick. Lee tags in. Kanemaru dodges a tandem attack and takes out Lee’s legs. Desperado takes advantage of Kanemaru’s work. Kanemaru tags in and continues to assault the limb.
Suzuki-gun try to double team Keith Lee but Lee overpowers both men. Lee smashes Kanemaru into Desperado. Desperado and Kanemaru hit a dropkick/DDT combo to bring Lee down. Desperado tags in.
Lee tags in Swerve. Swerve runs over Desperado and clears Kanemaru off the apron. Swerve hits a series of uppercuts. Both men trade reversals. Swerve slams Desperado down and rolls into a Brainbuster for a near-fall. Desperado and Swerve trade blows. Desperado hits a huge spinebuster. Suzuki-gun hits a Saito suplex/Dropkick combo for a near-fall. Lee tries to get involved but gets sent to the floor.
Swerve counters Pinche Loco. Swerve hits a Backdrop Backbreaker and rolls through into an STO. Lee tags in. Kanemaru tags in. Kanemaru continues to assault the leg with dropkicks. Kanemaru locks in a Figure Four Leglock. Desperado locks Swerve in Pinche Loco. Keith Lee throws Desperado into Kanemaru to break the hold. Lee can barely stand on his knee.
Lee counters a Sunset Flip with an attempt at a Spirit Bomb but Kanemaru rakes the eye. Desperado distracts the referee. Kanemaru spits whiskey in Lee’s face for a near-fall. Kanemaru hits a dropkick. Swerve runs in with a big kick and takes Desperado crashing to the outside. Lee hits Kanemaru with Big Bang Catastrophe for the win for his team.
Winners: Keith Lee and Swerve Strickland
After the match: Powerhouse Hobbs and Ricky Starks taunt Swerve & Lee from the crowd, calling themselves “Jordan & Pippen” to boos from the crowd. Starks calls Lee a “broke ass Phillip Banks.” Starks says they’ll never compare and challenges them to a match.
Buy-In Main Event: Eight-Man Tag Team Match:
Austin Gunn, Colten Gunn, Billy Gunn and Max Caster vs. Alex Coughlin, Kevin Knight, DKC and Yuya Uemura
Caster promises to send four more men to the injured list, claims the LA Dojo boys watch hentai and wash Shibata’s balls.
“Giant” Danhausen appears on the screen and gives “The Ass Boys” a custom theme song, infuriating two of the younger Asses, who head backstage to look for Danhausen.
Brawl to start the match. Coughlin tosses Caster around to get a near-fall and start off the match proper. Coughlin and Knight double team Caster with strikes in the corner. Knight tags in and hits a huge splash and body slam for a near-fall. Uemura tags in and the Dojo’s dominance continues. Uemura picks a fight with Billy Gunn, and then turns his attention back to Caster. DKC tags in and trades blows with Caster. Caster is just a punching bag that kicks out of pin-falls for four straight minutes.
Caster finally fights out with a huge back body drop on Knight. Billy Gunn tags in. Billy takes out all of the Dojo team. Kevin Knight hits a huge dropkick but gets hit with a Tilt-A-Whirl Slam. Coughlin is next to get tossed. Gunn hits DKC with the Famouser and tags in Max Caster, who hits DKC with Mic Drop for win for his team.
Winners: Austin Gunn, Colten Gunn, Billy Gunn and Max Caster
Main PPV kicks off with pyro and a Draft Kings advertisement.
MATCH #1: Trios Tag Team Match:
(Winners to determine advantage in Blood & Guts Match on Wednesday)
Chris Jericho, Sammy Guevara and Minoru Suzuki vs. Eddie Kingston, Wheeler Yuta and Shota Umino
Jericho starts off against Yuta. Yuta lays into Jericho with strikes and wrestles him to the canvas. Wheeler hits Jericho with rolling German suplexes. Wheeler goes for a crossface. Both teams rush the ring and a wild brawl ensues. Everyone brawls on the outside.
Back in the ring and Guevara tags in. Kingston and Yuta attack Guevara. Guevara comes back with a dropkick. Yuta hits a bodyslam and a senton for a near-fall. Yuta gets back in control of the match and tags in Shota.
Umino hits a big dropkick off of a Drop Toe Hold from Yuta. Guevara rakes the eyes and tags in Jericho. Jericho pummels Umino in the corner. Umino reverses and beats up Jericho. Kingston tags in and Jericho retreats, tagging in Suzuki.
Kingston and Suzuki trade blows. A long exchange of chops and forearms, blistering each other with stiff strikes. Suzuki drops Kingston. Suzuki corners Kingston and Jericho tags in. Jericho dominates Kingston. Kingston returns fire with serious chops on Jericho. Suzuki catches Kingston and locks him in a rope-hung armbar. Jericho takes advantage with an Armbreaker.
Suzuki tags in and hits a serious Penalty Kick for a near-fall. Kingston tries to fight back to no avail. Suzuki locks in an Octopus Hold. Guevara stretches Yuta and Jericho stretches Umino. Kingston fights to the ropes to break the hold. Guevara tags in but gets hit with a huge Exploder suplex from Kingston. Umino tags in and knocks Jericho off the apron. Umino drops Guevara hard. Suzuki stops Umino from getting too much momentum. Umino fights back but takes his eye off Sammy. Umino hits an uppercut and a Fisherman suplex for a near-fall. Umino sends Jericho to the outside and hits an apron cannonball. Guevara hits a Shooting Star Press to the outside. Wheeler hits a huge Tope on Sammy. Kingston hits an Elbow Suicida on Guevara. Suzuki teases a dive but instead doesn’t.
Umino runs after Suzuki but gets dropped with an elbow. Yuta tags in and hits a Flying Crossbody on Guevara. Yuta gets another near-fall from an O’Connor Roll. Kingston tags in. Guevara takes out Yuta. Kingston locks Guevara in a Stretch Plum. Suzuki breaks the hold. Suzuki gets dropped by a backfist. Jericho takes out Shooter. Yuta hits a huge splash on Sammy. Everyone is down.
Umino tags in. Umino sends Jericho away but gets hit with a Codebreaker for a near-fall. Jericho climbs to the top rope. Umino counters with an Avalanche Powerslam for a near-fall. Kingston stops Jericho from hitting a Lionsault, while Sammy and Wheeler fight on the outside. Umino pummels Jericho. Guevara blindsides Umino with the baseball bat behind the referee’s back. Umino hits Jericho with a Tornado DDT and rolls into a Brainbuster for a near-fall.
Umino locks Jericho in the Liontamer. Guevara and Suzuki break the hold. Suzuki neutralizes Kingston with a Gotch Piledriver. Umino fights back against Guevara and Suzuki but walks into the Judas Effect by Jericho for the win for his team.
Winners: Chris Jericho, Sammy Guevara and Minoru Suzuki
MATCH #2: Winners Take All Match for the IWGP & ROH World Tag Team Championships:
Dax Harwood and Cash Wheeler © vs. Jeff Cobb and Great-O-Khan © vs. Trent Beretta and Rocky Romero
Dax and Beretta start the match with some classic wrestling. Cobb tags himself in to take on Dax. Cobb completely dominates Dax but Rocky blind tags in and takes advantage of Dax. Dax corners Rocky and tags in Wheeler. Wheeler attacks and tags in Dax. Dax tweaks his arm and tags back out to conference with the ringside physician. Dax gets taken to the back.
Cash fights against O-Khan, to little avail. Cobb tags in and continues the assault. United Empire continues tagging in and out, beating up Cash. Cash tags Beretta in.
O-Khan and Beretta trade blows. Beretta hits a Swinging DDT and fights off United Empire’s attacks. Cobb puts a stop to the attack with a deadlift Brainbuster. Rocky tags in and RPG Vice take it to United Empire on the outside. Back in the ring and Rocky gets a near-fall off a sliding knee strike. O-Khan fights out of the assault. Cash tags himself in and brings the fight to United Empire. United Empire continues to mock Wheeler with a 2-on-1 assault. Dax Harwood comes down the ramp, shoulder taped up. Cash outsmarts United Empire and tags in Dax. Dax fights off both men with one arm. Harwood clears the ring with strikes and suplexes. Harwood hits rolling German suplexes on Cobb. Cobb fights out.
Beretta helps Harwood hit a Superplex. Wheeler tags in and hits big splash after the Superplex for a near-fall. Wild brawl in the ring. Everyone is down. Wheeler and Rocky hit a Spike Piledriver on O-Khan. Romero hits Wheeler with a Shiranui. Beretta tags in and they double team Cobb. Cobb fights out of Strong Zero with a Powerbomb. United Empire wins a brawl between all three teams. O-Khan and Cobb hit a double team German for a near-fall on Beretta. Rocky blind tags in.
Rocky clears out FTR and the rest. Roppongi Vice hits Strong Zero on Cobb but Cash breaks up the pin-fall. Dax blind tags in. Romero gets a series of near-falls on Dax. Dax comes back but Rocky attacks the arm. Rocky hits an enziguri. FTR hits Big Rig on Rocky for the pin-fall to win the IWGP World Tag Team Championships.
Winners and NEW IWGP World Tag Team Champions: Dax Harwood and Cash Wheeler
BACKSTAGE: Tony Schiavone interviews Juice Robinson and “Switchblade” Jay White.
MATCH #3: Fatal Four-Way Match for the AEW All-Atlantic Championship:
Malakai Black vs. PAC vs. Miro vs. Clark Connors
Everyone takes turns testing each other to start. The main pairs are PAC/Black and Miro/Connors. Miro completely dominates Connors with heavy slams.
Back in the ring, Black and PAC battle on the top rope. PAC misses a Sunset Bomb and the two men trade leg sweeps. Miro catches strikes from Black and overpowers him. Black drops Miro and Connors immediately takes on Black. Black locks Connors in a Kneebar. Miro pulls Connors to the ropes by his hair. Miro completely dominates the competition and gets a near-fall on Connors.
Black and PAC try to fight each other but everyone gets fed to Miro. Miro is the spoke, around which this match revolves. Miro dominates but cannot get a pin to save his life. All three men are just frustrating Miro. Black comes back with a huge superkick and tosses Connors out of the ring. PAC hits a huge tope on Black on the outside. PAC hits a running apron kick on Connors. PAC climbs the top rope and hits a Shotgun Dropkick, sending Miro across the ring. PAC folds up Black with a German suplex. Everyone trades suplexes. Miro puts a stop to the suplex parade but gets dropped by a big strike.
Black goes under the ring and grabs a table. Black sets the table up against the barrier. Miro blocks getting thrown into the table. Miro picks up PAC but PAC sends Miro into the ringpost. Connors spears Miro through the table. Connors gets Black back in the ring. Connors hits a huge powerslam. Connors spears PAC. Connors hits PAC with Trophy Kill but Black breaks up the pinfall.
PAC fights out of another Trophy Kill and drops Connors. Black stop PAC from hitting Black Arrow. Miro recovers and powerbombs everyone from the top rope. Miro hits a big Superkick on PAC. Miro locks PAC in the camel clutch but Black sprays mist in Miro’s eyes. Black locks Connors in a submission. PAC hits both men with a 450 Splash. PAC locks the Brutalizer in on Connors for the submission win and becoming the inaugural AEW All-Atlantic Champion.
Winner and FIRST AEW All-Atlantic Champion: PAC
Tony Schiavone comes out to do commentary.
MATCH #4: Trios Tag Team Match:
El Phantasmo, Matt Jackson and Nick Jackson vs. Shingo Takagi, Darby Allin and Sting
Sting jumps on the Bullet Club during their entrance, literally. He dove on top of them from the entrance way. Wild brawl to start.
Takagi takes it to El Phantasmo in the ring and tags in Sting. Shingo and Sting double team ELP. Darby tags in and outwrestles Phantasmo. Matt Jackson tags in. Young Bucks get involved and take out Darby with a dive. Matt toys with Darby. Nick Jackson tags in. Nick maintains dominance. Bullet Club trap Darby in the corner and keep him at bay with multiple tags and underhanded tactics. Darby fights back but not enough to get back control.
Phantasmo taunts Sting and then stands on Darby’s crotch. Darby comes back with a Spider German suplex. Hikuleo pulls Sting off the apron. Darby gets the better of ELP and hits a Code Red. Takagi tags in. Shingo tags in and takes out both Jackson brothers. Shingo hits a huge Twist & Shout on Nick for a near-fall.
Shingo hits a huge Death Valley Driver and tags in Sting. Matt tags in. Sting chops the hell out of both Jacksons. Sting takes out all three Bullet Club members. Nipple twist has no effect on Sting. Hikuleo keeps Sting from locking in a Scorpion Deathlock. Darby hits a Stunner on ELP. The Bucks take out Shingo. Sting absorbs a Superkick and takes out the brothers.
Darby tags in. Matt counters Coffin Drop. Matt and Nick hit More Bang For Your Buck. Phantasmo hits Thunderkiss ’86 for a near-fall. Tandem topes from The Bucks. Phantasmo hits an Asai Moonsault to the outside. Bullet Club stops Sting with a triple Superkick. Sting ducks BTE Trigger and hits Stereo Scorpion Deathdrops on The Bucks. Sting twists ELP’s nipples. Sting kicks ELP in the balls behind the referee’s back. Shingo tags in. Darby takes out Hikuleo on the outside.
Shingo pummels ELP. Shingo hits Pumping Bomber for a near-fall. Shingo hits ELP with Last of the Dragon for the pinfall and the win for his team
Winners: Shingo Takagi, Darby Allin and Sting
After the match: AEW announces that they will return to Arthur Ashe Stadium on September 21st for AEW Grand Slam 2022.
BACKSTAGE: Jericho Appreciation Society tell Shota Umino that he earned their respect. Jericho then threw a fireball in Umino’s face.
MATCH #5: AEW Women’s World Championship Match:
Thunder Rosa © vs. Toni Storm
The two women shake hands. Chain wrestling to start. They get frustrated with neither woman getting an advantage and begin exchanging chops. Neither woman gets the upper hand. Storm gets Rosa to the mat and doesn’t relent, stretching the champ.
Rosa comes back and the two women go back to trading strikes. Rosa fires off a stunner on Storm. Rosa hits a huge clothesline in the corner and follows up with a big knee strike to the gut. Rosa maintains dominance and gets a near-fall off a Northern Lights suplex. Storm tries to fight back but keeps getting met with rollup pins. Rosa stretches Storm.
They fight to the outside where Rosa continues to have answers to Storm’s offense. Storm climbs to the top rope but Rosa stops her. Toni fights out of a Death Valley Driver and hits an Apron German suplex. Storm hits a DDT on the outside.
Storm hits a big hip attack in the corner and another DDT for a near-fall. Storm continues the assault. Rosa comes back with an Armbreaker. Rosa hits a huge knee strike and follows up with a Death Valley Driver. Rosa hits Fire Thunder Driver for a near-fall.
Rosa kicks away at Storm. Storm counters with a German suplex. Rosa comes back with an arm attack and a Final Reckoning for the win and to retain the AEW Women’s World Championship.
Winner: Thunder Rosa
MATCH #6: IWGP United States Championship Match:
Will Ospreay © vs. Orange Cassidy
The match starts fast and furious, with Will growing ever frustrated by Cassidy’s blasé attitude. They fight to the outside where Ospreay continues his high-octane assault, even using Aussie Open to gain momentum. Ospreay battles Cassidy back into the ring and eventually hits a Diving Hidden Blade for a near-fall. Ospreay is brutalizing OC. Ospreay locks in a Cobra Twist, and reaches into Cassidy’s pocket at one point, pulling out a middle finger.
Cassidy starts to come back and initially starts with his easy, light kicks but eventually comes back with stiff strikes. Cassidy takes out Aussie Open with an Asai Whisper in the wind. OC smashes Ospreay into the corner camera, breaking it. Cassidy hits Beach Break for a near-fall.
Ospreay hits a series of Oscutters for a near-fall. Cassidy ducks Hidden Blade. OC counters Stormbreaker with a hurricanrana for a near-fall. Ospreay hits a Lariat. Ospreay hits Hidden Blade for a near-fall. Ospreay hits Stormbreaker for win and to retain the IWGP United States Championship.
Winner: Will Ospreay
After the match: United Empire attacks Cassidy. Beretta and Rocky Romero make the save. Katsuyori Shibata’s music hits. Shibata takes out Aussie Open. Shibata is dressed to fight. Shibata hits a huge Pump Kick on Ospreay. Shibata hits Ospreay with a Shotgun Dropkick. Aussie Open saves Ospreay from the Rear Naked Choke.
Orange Cassidy thanks Shibata by putting his sunglasses on him.
MATCH #7: One-On-One Match:
Zack Sabre Jr. vs. Claudio Castagnoli
Zack Sabre Jr.’s hand-picked opponent by Bryan Danielson is…Claudio Castagnoli!!!
Claudio posed with the muscular cameraman that everyone thought was him.
Claudio hits a big European Uppercut and a Neutralizer for a near-fall. Sabre rolls out of the ring. Claudio sends Sabre into the barricade. Sabre tries to escape from Castagnoli, but Claudio keeps up the assault. Sabre dodges an uppercut and Claudio goes into the barricade.
Back in the ring, Sabre attacks the arm but is dropped by another uppercut. Claudio hits a delayed vertical suplex. Sabre retreats to the apron and traps Claudio’s leg. Back in the ring, Sabre continues to stretch the arm. Sabre dodges another attack and hits La Mistica. Sabre continues to stomp away on Castagnoli. Castagnoli counters the chain wrestling with a headscissors but Sabre fights out and attacks the leg.
Claudio fights back and hits a Uranage Backbreaker. Claudio hits another vicious strike. Sabre counters with an Armbar. Claudio tries to Powerbomb out of it but Sabre takes Claudio over the top rope, to the floor, hold still locked in. Claudio carries Sabre up the ringsteps and powerbombs Sabre into the ring from the apron. Claudio goes for the Big Swing but Sabre counters with a Guillotine Choke. Claudio slams Sabre on the top rope. Sabre fights out of a Superplex and locks in a top rope Octopus Hold.
Sabre sends Claudio to the canvas, but Claudio comes back with a leaping uppercut. Claudio hits an Avalanche Gutwrench. Claudio goes for the Big Swing but Sabre escapes. They trade strikes. Claudio sends Sabre for the Big Swing. Sabre fights out of a Sharpshooter. Caludio locks the Sharpshooter in but Sabre counters with a Heel Hook. Claudio counters and locks in a Sharpshooter. Sabre counters. Claudio hits a big double stomp. They trade strikes. Castagnoli drops Sabre. Sabre locks in a Rear Naked Choke.
Sabre transitions to a double armlock. Castagnoli gets to the ropes. Sabre kicks away at Castagnoli. Claudio comes back with a lariat. Sabre gets a near-fall off the European Clutch. Claudio hits an elevated uppercut. Claudio hits a Discus Lariat. Claudio hits Riccola Bomb for the win in his AEW debut.
Winner: Claudio Castagnoli
MATCH #8: Fatal Four-Way Match for the IWGP World Heavyweight Championship Match:
“Switchblade” Jay White © vs. “Hangman” Adam Page vs. Kazuchika Okada vs. Adam Cole
Everyone takes their time to decide who will start. Okada and Page shake hands. Things quickly devolve into a four way brawl with everyone fighting on the entry ramp. White and Cole suplex Page on the ramp.
Back in the ring, White and Cole isolate Okada and chop away at him. Page pulls White out of the ring and sends him into the ring steps. Okada tries to get control in the ring, but Cole and White continue to work as a tandem.
Page takes out White on the apron and then hits Cole with a Fallaway Slam. Page hits a moonsault on Jay at ringside and then gets a near-fall on Cole in the ring. Page chops Cole around the ring. Cole and White’s teamwork becomes too much for Page. Okada fights off both men. Okada dropkicks Cole off the top rope to the floor. Okada sends Cole and White into the crowd. Okada hits a flying crossbody over the barricade. Okada sends Cole back into the ring.
Okada locks in Money Clip. White breaks up the hold. Okada gets sent out of the ring. Page fights the Bullet Club duo and gets a near-fall on Jay. Cole breaks up the pin, all men are down.
White and Cole conference between each other. They Too Sweet. Cole hits a Backstabber on Jay. Cole hits a Brainbuster to the knee for a near-fall. White hits a Uranage on Cole. Cole fights out of a Sleeper suplex. White chops Cole and Cole crumples. White deals out a series of Sleeper suplexes. Cole hits Shining Wizard. Okada hits a Discus Lariat. Page hits a lariat. Everyone is down.
Everyone trades strikes. Hangman wins the exchange and nearly gets a pin on White. Hangman calls for the Buckshot Lariat, but Cole stops him. Page takes out Cole and Okada with a moonsault. Page takes out Gedo. White counters Buckshot Lariat but Page comes back with Dead Eye. Page hits Buckshot Lariat and covers but Okada breaks up the pin. White rolls out of the ring.
Page and Okada stare each other down. They trade blows. Page counters a Tombstone. Page dodges a dropkick. Okada counters Dead Eye. Page hits a German suplex. Page hits a Discus Lariat. Cole keeps Page from hitting Buckshot Lariat. Cole hits Okada with a Superkick to the knee. Okada counters Panama Sunrise with an Air Raid Crash on the knee. Okada slams Cole. Okada climbs to the top rope. Okada hits an elbow drop. Cole counters Rainmaker. Cole takes out Okada and Page with Superkicks. Cole hits a series of Superkicks for a near-fall on Okada. Okada hits a dropkick. Cole counters Rainmaker. Cole takes out Page with a Superkick. Okada hits a dropkick. Okada hits Landslide. Cole counters Rainmaker. White hits Bladerunner on Okada and cover Adam Cole for win and to retain the IWGP World Heavyweight Championship.
Winner: “Switchblade” Jay White
After the match: AEW physicians checked on Adam Cole
MAIN EVENT: AEW Interim World Championship Match:
Hiroshi Tanahashi vs. Jon Moxley
Chain wrestling to start. Tanahashi maintains control in the beginning. Tanahashi continues to get the better of Moxley and hits a Crossbody. They trade blows. Tanahashi dropkicks Moxley’s knee and keeps up the attack. Tanahashi stretches Moxley’s knees. Moxley fights to the ropes.
They trade blows. Moxley gets some semblance of control and knocks Tanahashi around. Moxley hits a huge Piledriver for a near-fall. Moxley stretches Tanahashi with a Chin Crusher. Moxley starts stomping on Tanahashi’s face. Moxley locks in a Cloverleaf. Tanahashi tries to fight to the ropes but Moxley transitions to a Facelock. Tanahashi gets to the ropes.
The two men return to trading strikes. Tanahashi bodyslams Moxley. Tanahashi hits a Somersault Senton for a near-fall. Moxley clotheslines Tanahashi out of the ring but Tanahashi skins the cat. Moxley sends Tanahashi to the outside and sends him into the barricade. Moxely hits a Uranage, sending Tanahashi through the timekeeper table.
Tanahashi beats the count-out. Moxley pummels Tanahashi. Moxley locks in an Armbar. Tanahashi fights out and stomps on Moxley’s face. Tanahashi hits Slingblade. Moxley rolls out of the ring and is bleeding for some reason. Tanahashi climbs to the top rope and hits Aces High to the floor. They trade strikes on the outside.
Back in the ring, Tanahashi fights out of Paradigm Shift and hits a series of Twist and Shouts. Moxley hits a German Suplex. Moxley nearly pins Tanahashi. Moxley hits 12-6 Elbows. Tanahashi headbutts Moxley. Tanahashi hits Kamigoye. Tanahashi hits Aces High to Moxley. Tanahashi climbs to the top rope. Tanahashi hits High Fly Flow for a near-fall. Moxley locks in a Bulldog Choke. Tanahashi fights to a standing position. Tanahashi locks up Moxley in a Jackknife pin for a near-fall. They continue exchanging near pins. They trade strikes. Moxley hits a huge lariat for a near-fall. Moxley hits the 12-6 Elbows. Moxley locks in a rear naked choke. Moxley transitions to a Bulldog Choke. Tanahashi gets to his feet. Moxley hits Death Rider for the pin-fall to win the AEW Interim Championship.
Winner and NEW AEW Interim World Champion: Jon Moxley
After the match: The Jericho Appreciation Society run down to the ring and start jumping Tanahashi and Moxley. Massive brawl as more and more members of both JAS and Blackpool Combat Club run out to add to the brawl. Claudio comes out and clears the ring. Claudio spins Garcia endlessly and Blackpool Combat Club stand tall to end the show.