Pro Wrestling Results Ring of Honor

Ring of Honor TV results from 07-13-2023

Ian Riccaboni started the show by throwing it to Matt Sydal who’s in the back. Sydal called out Prince Nana and Brian Cage after his Blind Eliminator Tag Team loss on last Friday’s Rampage. Cage told Sydal to find some partners, and they’ll have themselves a six-man tag.

MATCH #1: One-On-One Match: 
Serpentico vs. Big Bill
Bill used his size and strength advantage to shoot Serpentico to the floor. Serpentico came back into the ring and threw several strikes before baiting Bill to chase him. Serpentico knocked Bill off the apron and hit a dive to the floor. Serpentico went to the top rope, but Bill avoided the dive before tossing Serpentico with ease.

Serpentico sent Bill into the corner with a dropkick, but Bill flung him away. Bill hung Serpentico on the ropes before booting him to the floor. Bill brought Serpentico back into the ring and put Serpentico away with a massive chokeslam.

Winner: Big Bill

Ian Riccaboni announces the ROH TV Championship Eliminator tournament. This week, Dalton Castle will wrestle Tony Nese, and Shane Taylor will wrestle “Captain” Shawn Dean. The winners of those matches will wrestle next week to determine Samoa Joe’s challenger for Death Before Dishonor.

MATCH #2: Women’s One-On-One Match:
Athena vs. Ava Lawless
Lawless tagged Athena with a slap and a forearm before dropping her with a slingblade. Athena nipped up and dropped Lawless with a forearm before clobbering on her. Athena locked on a crossface to score the quick submission win, holding onto the submission after the bell.

Winner: Athena

After the match: Athena dropped Lawless face-first on the ROH Women’s Championship belt.

MATCH #3: Six-Man Tag Team Match:
Dutch, Vincent and Stu Grayson vs. Evan Richards, Levi Knight and Michael Allen Richard Clark

Grayson got a jump-start on Rivers, sending him up and over with a belly-to-belly suplex. Knight tagged in but was quickly overwhelmed by Grayson and Dutch. Evil Uno made his way to ringside with a chair as Grayson dropped Knight with a Uranage slam. Grayson and Vincent double-teamed Knight, but Knight found a way to tag out to Clark. Clark ran wild for a moment, but Grayson cut him off with a knee strike. The Righteous ran through their big moves before finishing off Clark with their triple-team T-Slam.

Winners: Dutch, Vincent and Stu Grayson

After the match: Evil Uno hits Knight with a chair, showing the violent streak the Righteous wanted to see.

BACKSTAGE: Lexy Nair is with Matt Sydal. He announced that his partners would be Christopher Daniels and Darius Martin.

MATCH #4: Women’s One-On-One Match: 
“Legit” Leyla Hirsch vs. Bambi Hall
Hirsch cut off Hall with a kitchen sink knee before bringing her down with an arm wringer. She tied Hall up in the ropes before drilling her with lariats in the corner. Hirsch clobbered on Hall in the corner and cut Hall off on a comeback attempt with a back elbow. Hall hit a corner charge, but Hirsch fought off Hall’s shoulders and hit a German suplex. Hirsch locked on an armbar to score the win.

Winner: “Legit” Leyla Hirsch

MATCH #5: Semi-Final Match in the ROH TV Championship Eliminator Tournament: 
Tony Nese vs. Dalton Castle
Nese cuts a heel promo on the crowd, saying that “nobody likes a smelly Regina.” I’m a child, so I laughed at that line. He led group exercises before Dalton Castle made his way to the ring.

Nese almost got caught in the Bangarang early on but fought out and clobbered on Castle. Castle caught Nese coming off of the ropes and hit a big overhead suplex. Castle held control with a waistlock but Daivari and Sterling took his attention, allowing Nese to hook Castle over the ropes before dropping him with a clothesline. On the floor, Nese ducked a Castle clothesline, with Castle hitting the ringpost instead.

Nese dropkicked Castle in the corner before hitting a spinning heel kick for a near fall. Nese dropped Castle on a dropdown, but Castle avoided the triangle moonsault. Castle ran wild with suplexes. After some shenanigans with the Varsity Athletes and the Boys, Castle dropped Nese with the Bangarang to win and move on to next week’s tournament final.

Winner: Dalton Castle

MATCH #6: Semi-Final Match in the ROH TV Championship Eliminator Tournament:
Shane Taylor vs. “Captain” Shawn Dean

Dean had a stick-and-move strategy with Taylor, which worked until Taylor moved him to the mat with a forearm. Taylor battered Dean with heavy strikes to the head and body before hooking him up in a bearhug. Dean fought out and avoided a corner charge before rocking Taylor with a jumping knee. Taylor caught Dean with a Uranage slam, but Dean moved out of the way of a second-rope splash.

Dean caught Taylor with a butterfly DDT and went to the top rope, but Taylor got the knees up on a splash. Taylor talked trash, allowing Dean to fight back. But Taylor dropped Dean with a headbutt and scored the win with a knockout elbow shot.

Winner: Shane Taylor

Next week on ROH television, it will be Dalton Castle vs. Shane Taylor with the winner challenging Samoa Joe for the ROH TV Championship at Death Before Dishonor.

MATCH #7: Tag Team Match:
Mike Bennett and Matt Taven vs. Brandon Tate and Brent Tate
Taven started with Brent, knocking him down with a suplex. Taven talked trash before dropping Brent with a spinning heel kick. Bennett and Brandon tagged in, with Bennett controlling Brandon with chops before dropping him with a forearm. The Kingdom hit a tag team combo for a near fall, surprised at the kickout.

Bennett caught Brandon in a Kimura Lock, but Brandon got to the ropes. Brandon made the tag to Brent, who ran wild on the Kingdom. The Boys got some tandem offense in, dropping Taven with a standing sliced bread before taking Bennett down with a double-team neckbreaker. Bennett cut off another double-team move, dropping Brent with a DVD. They hit the Rockstar Supernova on Brandon for the win.

Winners: Mike Bennett and Matt Taven

MAIN EVENT: Six-Man Tag Team Match:
“The Machine” Brian Cage, Bishop Kaun and Toa Liona vs. “Fallen Angel” Christopher Daniels, Darius Martin and Matt Sydal
Ian Riccaboni ran down the cards for this week’s Rampage and Collision. It would be nice if they ran down the card for Death Before Dishonor, but you would need some matches to talk about for that to happen. Daniels and Kaun started off, with Daniels’ team pinballing Kaun in their corner. Sydal and Martin teamed up, keeping Kaun off-balance. Kaun tagged in Liona, but he hit the post on a dive, allowing Daniels to tag in.

Liona caught Daniels with a pop-up Samoan Drop before Cage sent Daniels flying with a fallaway slam. The Embassy clobbered on Daniels in their corner. Daniels caught Liona in a rollup, but the referee’s attention was with the Embassy in the corner. More clobbering on Daniels, but Daniels was able to fight to the corner and tag out to Martin.

Martin ran wild on the Embassy team, scoring a near fall on Kaun that got broken up by Cage. Cage caught Martin with a pop-up into a superkick, but Martin cut off Cage and got the tag to Sydal. Sydal ran wild on Cage, dropping Cage with a series of kicks for a near fall. Kaun took Sydal down, leading to a Cage F-5 for a near fall. Cage set up for a Screwdriver, but Sydal caught him with a hurricanrana for a near fall. Sydal caught Cage with a knee, allowing the babyfaces to run wild. Sydal hit a Meteora on Cage for a near fall that Kaun broke up. Things broke down into a Pier Six brawl before Cage and Sydal were alone. Sydal caught Cage with an inside cradle, but Cage kicked out and dropped him with a spinning lariat. Cage scored the win with a Screwdriver.

Winners: “The Machine” Brian Cage, Bishop Kaun and Toa Liona

By Eric Montgomery

Eric has been a fan of professional wrestling since he was 5 and has had the pleasure of working in the wrestling business as a DJ, among other things, for 20-years. Eric is our "wrestling expert" and looks forward to showing his passion of professional wrestling.

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