Pro Wrestling Results Ring of Honor

Ring Of Honor TV results from 07-27-2023

Your announcers for tonight’s show are Ian Riccoboni and Caprice Coleman.

MATCH #1: Pure Rules Match:
Eli Isom vs. Josh Woods
The judges for this match were Jerry Lynn, Jimmy Jacobs, and Pure Champion Katsuyori Shibata – who got his own entrance.

Woods tied up Isom in the ropes, forcing his first use of a rope break. They jockeyed for position until Woods booted Isom on an up-and-over in the corner. Woods focused his attack on Isom’s arm. Woods tried to Irish whip Isom, who hooked the ropes and thus used his second rope break.

Woods did more work on the arm until Isom began forearming Woods to fight back. Woods laid in the forearms to Isom’s arm, but Isom hit an offensive flurry that sent Woods into the corner. Woods walked into a Blue Thunder Bomb, but Isom only got a one count on it. Woods hit a Chaos Theory that transitioned into an armbar, forcing Isom to use his third rope break. Woods sent Isom onto the apron, caught him in a sleeper hold, then dragged him into the ring. Woods then hit a Penalty Kick, while looking at Shibata, before locking in the Gorilla Lock to win.

Winner: Josh Woods

After the match:”Smart” Mark Sterling talked trash to Shibata before laying out the challenge for next week. Shibata got in the ring and stared down Woods, accepting the title challenge for next week.

BACKSTAGE: Lexy Nair is with Trish Adora and asked her what was next after her loss to Leyla Hirsch at the Death Before Dishonor Zero Hour. Adora said that she would have let this get her down a year ago, but now that she’s a part of the Infantry, she’s focused on bouncing back.

MATCH #2: Women’s One-On-One Match:
Trish Adora vs. Vita VonStarr
Vonstarr is a former member of the Righteous. Adora focused on the arm before locking in a submission that Vonstarr used her flexibility to get out of. Vonstarr hit a Northern Lights suplex for a near fall before locking on an Octopus Stretch. Adora spun Vonstarr out with a backbreaker before firing up, hitting a big boot and a senton for a near fall.

Vonstarr avoided the Lariat Tubman and hit the Michinoku Driver for a near fall. Adora followed up with a successful Lariat Tubman for the win.

Winner: Trish Adora

MATCH #3: ROH World Six-Man Tag Team Championship Match:
“The Machine” Brian Cage, Toa Liona and Bishop Kaun vs. Boulder, Bronson and Jacked Jameson
Cage started with Bronson, dropping him with a back elbow. Bronson came back with a bodyslam before the Savages triple-teamed Cage in the corner. Cage hit a strike flurry on Jameson to take back control before tagging in Kaun. Jameson tagged out to Bronson, who hit a dive onto Cage and squished Liona on the apron. That left him open to a dropkick from Kaun into a powerbomb on the floor from Liona.

The champions clobbered on Bronson, hitting a strike train that ended with Cage’s apron superplex for a near fall. Bronson sat down on a sunset flip by Cage before tagging out to Boulder, who ran wild on the Embassy. He dropped Cage and Kaun with a double flapjack. Boulder and Liona faced off, with Boulder taking Liona down with a jumping shoulder block. Boulder dropped Kaun with a powerslam for a near fall.

Boulder went for a moonsault but missed. The match broke down into a Pier Six brawl, ending with Bronson hitting a Sky High for a near fall. Liona cut Boulder down with a knee on a crossbody attempt, and Cage took down Bronson with a spinning lariat. The Embassy isolated Jameson, with Kaun hitting a Pedigree to score the win.

Winners: “The Machine” Brian Cage, Toa Liona and Bishop Kaun

MATCH #4: Women’s One-On-One Match:
“Legit” Leyla Hirsch vs. B3CCA
Ian Riccaboni mentioned that his four-year-old daughter’s favorite wrestler was Leyla Hirsch. Hirsch took Becca down with a lariat and a gutwrench suplex. After fighting out of a waist lock, Becca fought back with the crowd behind her. Becca hit a shotgun dropkick but missed a missile dropkick off the top rope. Hirsch hit a German suplex and a running knee to score the win.

Winner: “Legit” Leyla Hirsch

BACKSTAGE: Lexy Nair is with Athena. Athena wanted more competition, rag-dolling Lexy around while doing so. She said if Lexy didn’t get her more competition, she would take it out on Lexy.

MATCH #5: Women’s Tag Team Match:
Charlette Renegade and Robyn Renegade vs. JC Storm and Tiara James
Charlette started with JC, who fought off both Renegades to start until she got tripped up by Robyn. The Renegades hit a double suplex on JC for a nearfall. The Renegades clobbered on JC until she slipped out of another double suplex attempt and made the tag to James. James ran wild on them until Charlette took her down by the hair. The Renegades hit a double superkick on JC before finishing off James with a Hart Attack.

Winners: Charlette Renegade and Robyn Renegade

MATCH #6: Women’s Proving Ground Match:
Athena vs. Christina Marie

Marie took the fight to Athena after the Code of Honor, sending her into the buckles and hitting a handspring splash. Marie hit a snapmare for a near fall before Athena flung her across the ring. Athena laid in the strikes before hitting a baseball slide that sent Marie off the apron to the floor. Athena rag-dolled Marie in the ropes before hitting a knockout forearm for the win.

Winner: Athena

After the match: Athena beat up Marie on the floor, flinging her into the barricades and booting her down before standing tall.

MATCH #7: Tag Team Match:
“Hot Sauce” Tracy Williams and Rhett Titus vs. Mike Bennett and Matt Taven
Williams laid in forearms to Bennett, forcing him to tag out to Taven. Bennett then caught Williams with a knee in the back, leading to a strike combination from the Kingdom. Williams avoided a top rope attack from Taven, tagging in Titus. Titus hit a modified airplane spin for a near fall, but got caught up by a Bennett lariat from the apron. Bennett hit a main event spinebuster, but Titus got his knees up on Taven’s lionsault attempt.

Williams tagged in and ran wild on the Kingdom, hitting the top-rope DDT on Taven before locking on a cloverleaf that Bennett broke up. Titus sent Bennett flying with a belly-to-belly suplex before Titus and Williams hit a series of heavy strikes on Taven for a near fall. Taven forced Williams into the corner and made a tag to Bennett, who got into a strike exchange with Williams. They locked the other man’s partner in submission holds but kept wailing on each other. They hit tandem piledrivers on their partners before re-engaging, ending with Williams hitting a lariat for a near fall.

Titus and Taven tagged in, with Titus drilling Taven with a dropkick. Taven held onto the ropes on a belly-to-belly suplex attempt, allowing the Kingdom to take control and hit the Proton Pack for the win.

Winners: Mike Bennett and Matt Taven

BACKSTAGE:  Lexy Nair is with ROH Board Member Stokely Hathaway & ROH TV Champion Samoa Joe. Hathaway announced an eliminator tournament to determine the next challenger for the TV Championship. Joe took offense to Lexy’s claims of favoritism shown towards Joe, saying that Hathaway was his own man.

MATCH #8: First Round Match in the ROH World Television Championship Eliminator Tournament:
JD Drake vs. “Fallen Angel” Christopher Daniels
Ian Riccaboni noted that this was the first of four tournament matches. Daniels dropped Drake with a jumping back kick, but Drake dropped him with a barge attack and a bodyslam. Drake laid on Daniels, hitting a Bossman Slam for a near fall before hitting a pair of sentons. Drake laid into Daniels with chops, but Daniels fired up and engaged in a chop battle before taking Drake down with a flatliner.

Daniels took Drake down with a rabbit lariat hitting a spinning flatliner off the ropes for a near fall. Daniels went for the Angel’s Wings, but Drake hit a big boot and a cannonball for a near fall. Drake set Daniels up for a moonsault, but Daniels moved out of the way. Daniels hit the Uranage and the Best Moonsault Ever for the win.

Winner: “Fallen Angel” Christopher Daniels

MATCH #9: Tag Team Match:
Big Bill and Lee Moriarty vs. Gabriel Hunter AND Adrian Soriano
Soriano and Hodder are a regular team known as Primal Fear, who have made appearances in the tail-end of the Sinclair-era of ROH. Moriarty snagged Soriano in the Border City Stretch immediately, but Soriano got to the ropes. Hodder and Soriano worked hard to keep Bill out of the ring, but they wasted time posing. That allowed Moriarty to tag in Big Bill, who ran wild. Bill hit a double rotation Bossman Slam and a chokeslam on Soriano to score the win.

Winners: Big Bill and Lee Moriarty

MATCH #10: First Round Match in the ROH World Television Championship Eliminator Tournament:
Tony Nese vs. Cheeseburger
Nese had the mic on his way to the ring, claiming that cheeseburgers were ruining this country. He wanted to start a group exercise before Cheeseburger’s music hit, bringing out Nese’s opponent. Cheeseburger used his technique to control Nese early, but Nese hung him up on the top rope and hit a gutbuster to take control. He tied Cheeseburger up in the Tree of Woe before hitting crunch kicks to Cheeseburger’s chest.

Cheeseburger fought out of a waistlock and hit a suplex. Cheeseburger hit a superkick before landing the Shotei palm strike – passed down to him by Jushin Thunder Liger himself – for a nearf all. Cheeseburger hit a DDT for a near fall, then set up a second Shotei. Sterling got on the apron to distract him, allowing Nese to hit a pumphandle Greetings From Asbury Park for the win.

Winner: Tony Nese

MATCH #11: First Round Match in the ROH World Television Championship Eliminator Tournament:
Anthony Henry vs. Gravity
Gravity tried to do multiple kip-ups to get out of an arm hold, but Henry simply released the arm to have Gravity fall down. Gravity worked his way out of another hold, but Henry booted him down. Gravity sent Henry to the floor, then hit a dive onto him. Henry caught Gravity mid-handstand with a superkick before cranking his neck on the apron.

Henry caught Gravity with a Death Valley Driver for a near fall before cranking the neck again. Henry laid in a kick to Gravity’s back, but Gravity started to fire up. He caught Henry with a lucha armdrag and a handspring elbow before gorilla-pressing him into a dropkick. Gravity twisted Henry into a Ground Octopus, but Henry reversed it into a Stretch Muffler. Gravity pulled Henry into a roll-up, but Henry caught him with a Penalty Kick and a cross-legged Michinoku Driver for a near fall.

Henry missed a double stomp but scored with an elevated DDT for a near fall. Henry hit a pair of kicks, but Gravity caught him with a powerslam before hitting a top rope splash for the win.

Winner: Gravity

MATCH #12: First Round Match in the ROH World Television Championship Eliminator Tournament:
Serpentico vs. Shane Taylor
Serpentico caught Taylor with a few strikes and hit a hurricanrana that sent Taylor into the corner. Taylor burst out of the corner with a forearm, then beeled Serpentico across the ring twice. Taylor hit a back splash and a lariat for a near fall. Serpentico escaped off of Taylor’s shoulders but ran into a body shot. Taylor hit the World’s Strongest Slam for a near fall.

Serpentico begged off, then flipped Taylor off before firing off a few strikes. Taylor caught Serpentico on a crossbody before cracking him with a headbutt. Taylor then hit the Uranage before hitting a splash for the win.

Winner: Shane Taylor

MAIN EVENT: Six-Man Tag Team Match:
Silm J, Sonny Kiss and Ari Daivari vs. Dalton Castle, Brandon Tate and Brent Tate
Castle and Kiss tried for lariats in the corner for about 30 seconds until Castle just flung Kiss with a suplex. The Trustbusters isolated Brandon after some multi-person shenanigans. Castle tagged back in and flung the Trustbusters around with suplexes before asking for a boy. Castle threw the Boys around before Castle got Kay isolated. Castle hit the Bangarang for the win.

Winners: Dalton Castle, Brandon Tate and Brent Tate

By Eric Montgomery

Eric has been a fan of professional wrestling since he was 5 and has had the pleasure of working in the wrestling business as a DJ, among other things, for 20-years. Eric is our "wrestling expert" and looks forward to showing his passion of professional wrestling.

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