When Disney bought the Star Wars franchise, I was skeptical. Further down the road as I Left my local movie theater on the opening night of The Rise of Skywalker, I had to start reminding myself that I liked Star Wars. I had such a bad experience, it helped me quit smoking cigarettes. Now don’t get me wrong here, I’m not one of those #notmystarwars people, it just didn’t have the same magic that I’m used to with a Star Wars movie. I had thought that maybe it was just me getting older and more cynical. Then, about 2 weeks later I binged Season 1 of The Mandalorian, and that ended up scratching the exact itch I had. Moving forward, I had trust in Disney once again and decided that after 3 mediocre film attempts (not you Rogue One, I loved you) that a second chance would be granted. Heck, even Donald Glover made Solo somewhat watchable.
So now we get to now. I’ve seen all of Mando, and Cheered at Boba Fett, multiple times but I still wasn’t completely sure about going back to the prequel era for the Disney + Obi-Wan Kenobi Series. Even Hayden was coming out … Read More