
The Mental Impact of Streaming on Twitch

I’ve been streaming on Twitch since before it was even called Twitch, back in the days of when it used to be and my time on the site has had its ups and downs. There are many things people don’t ever really tell you about Twitch and especially the mental impact it can have on those of us such as myself that stream on the platform. I want to say first and foremost that I am not a mental health professional so please, don’t take this as advice or the like.

Ever since the early days of when I would stream on back in 2009 when I started doing a late-night chill stream where I played music (back before anyone cared about DMCA) I noticed myself always being concerned with my viewer count, a number that tends to always stare you right in the face when streaming that shows you exactly how many viewers are currently watching your stream, and always giving myself some anxiety about how I can make my stream that much better.

Even now, I still do this from time-to-time, because it’s those very same numbers that drive me to want to do better and … Read More